In operation since 2003 Contact Centre Action was established in response to a need to provide high-quality, specialist consulting services to the call and contact centre industry. Since establishing Contact Centre Action, we have been fortunate to work with some of Australia’s largest and best-known companies covering many industry … [Read More...]
Our Work

Technology Consulting
The contact centre technology environment is changing rapidly There has been a strong push to cloud-based telephony solutions for some years now, but during 2020 that ramped up significantly as businesses had to transition their contact centres to a work-from-home model. Amongst vendors there have been mergers and acquisitions, and … [Read More...]

Health Checks
Contact centres are not “set and forget” environments. Businesses change, customers (and their expectations) change, and technology changes. Unfortunately, many contact centres do not review their operation in the light of these changes on a regular basis. Every contact centre should have a strategy – a plan for the next 1 to 5 years – … [Read More...]
How Has The Pandemic Impacted Traditional “Bricks and Mortar” Contact Centres?
While many contact centres had the technical ability to work from home, only a small number encouraged staff to work from home on a semi-regular basis, and very few had permanent … [Read More...]
What Are You Planning For Your Contact Centre This Year?
The last two years have been rather reactive for the contact centre industry due to the pandemic. With the focus on working from home and maintaining customer service, a lot of … [Read More...]
Tips For Successful Contact Centre Management – Part 9
In this series we will look at some useful tips for contact centre management, as seen by our work in the Australian contact centre industry. They are not presented in any … [Read More...]