The contact centre technology environment is changing rapidly There has been a strong push to cloud-based telephony solutions for some years now, but during 2020 that ramped up significantly as businesses had to transition their contact centres to a work-from-home model.
Amongst vendors there have been mergers and acquisitions, and companies that were well known overseas are now starting to operate in Australia, with many new players in the market today. Often their products are innovative, feature-rich and competitively priced in comparison.
There are significant advantages in enlisting specialist, external assistance when investigating or evaluating new technology – for example:
- Specialist consultants know how other companies are using technology to enhance their customer service and improve business efficiency as they are working with a variety of different companies on a daily basis.
- Specialist consultants maintain an understanding of the capabilities of different technology vendors (including new and emerging vendors) and how the different features and functions can benefit your business.
- Specialist consultants maintain an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the different technology re-sellers (dealers) and can assist clients with their selection to minimise their risk during the project implementation.
- Specialist consultants can leverage their knowledge of the industry and key technology vendors to ensure your business requirements and tender document contain the features and functions that will enhance your business in the short, medium and long term. Where internal staff write the tender document it often contains current business practices rather than current and future business needs, resulting in a “like-for-like” technology replacement that does not provide the business with strategic benefit in the future.
- “The devil is often in the detail”, and an experienced consultant knows what to look out for with the different solutions – challenges that may not be immediately apparent during the purchasing phase – again reducing the risk to the client.
CCA are in an ideal position to assist clients with the evaluation, selection and implementation of new contact centre technology. In our 20+ years of experience in the industry we have undertaken many similar engagements for other clients in all industry verticals.
We maintain knowledge of the different vendors and solutions in the market today, ensuring the most appropriate vendors are included in the tender process.
We are vendor-independent. We have no commercial relationships with any technology vendors, ensuring that we work only in the interests of our clients, and our clients get the best possible solution to meet their individual requirements.
We have extensive experience in contact centre operations and technology, allowing us to easily translate business requirements into technical specifications, and to translate technical capabilities into business benefits.